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Asset Management

Daily Management of Asset Checks

Start by going to Assets > Checks on the Left menu. You will see all asset checks that are due...

Completing an Asset Check

Asset Check view When you click to complete an Asset check you will see a view as follows. The left...

Jobs vs Asset Checks

These two features in Medic52 may seem similar at first glance, but they have different use cases. Jobs and Work...

Asset Check Scheduling Questions

When do checks get rescheduled? Your checks will be rescheduled at 3am each day in your Resort’s local time. Checks...


Departments are an organisational option for managing your users into logical groups. This then allows you to configure Medic52 so...

Creating an Asset Check

Asset Checks are configured in two parts, schedule and steps. As you will see when your team start to complete...

Getting started with Asset Mananagement

Asset Management is key to keeping your compliance up, and delivering a great service when required. Good maintenance schedules of...

Get started with Asset Checks

What are Asset Checks? Asset Checks allow you to keep tabs on your maintenance records for all of your Assets....

Check Groups

What is a Check Group? Check Groups allow you a further way to organise your Asset Checks alongside Asset Locations...

Adding Areas

Areas are logical geographical areas at your location. This might be your water park, or areas on a snow resort...

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