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Getting started with Asset Mananagement

Asset Management is key to keeping your compliance up, and delivering a great service when required. Good maintenance schedules of equipment and well documented procedures make this possible.

Once set up the Assets Management system in Medic52 will serve to meet your compliance requirements, but it will also be a procdures and training manual for your team.

Let’s get started!

What are assets?

Assets are everything from a bolt in a lift, to a fryer in your kitchen. It’s equipment and places that are within your control.

What is Asset Management?

Your Assets have procedures for opening and closing, you might need to check various equipment on a regular basis, or your have controlled substances with a legislative burden.

Asset Management helps you keep tight records of these checks, and team accountability of when procedures are completed. We also know that training of your team is never a one off event, and needs to be carried out regularly. The procedures you document and evolve in the Asset Management system help re-enforce that training.

Getting started with Medic52 Asset Management


Assets have a home just like you and I, so first up you will create your Areas, and Locations. Areas are larger geographical areas in your organisation. Usually this would be your Base area(s), on mountain, tubing, water park, cross country, back country, hiking, mountain bike park etc.  Create your first Area.


Locations are the buildings within the areas. Patrol huts, lift huts, lifeguard chairs, restaurants, kitchens, car parks, train stations, staff rooms, server rooms and so on. Learn about Locations and how to set them up.


We also encourage you to divide up your Assets into Asset Types. This makes them easier to identify when you have assets tags or names, eg SNO1, SNO2, SNO3 could be snow making guns or snow mobiles. In Medic52 we have Lifts and Trails already for you, so no need to create these. Learn about Asset Types.


Your Assets are one of the Asset Types in the system. Lifts and Trails are special types in Medic52 because of the Lift status, and Trail status system.

Now we have the background set up, we can create an asset. We’ve talked a bit about what these are already. Start creating Assets that are easy – such as Medical Equipment like a Defibrillator.

Asset Checks

This is where the fun really starts and you get huge benefit from in the longer term. Checks are configured with a number of steps that the person responsible will complete. They come up on a set schedule, and the team member is shown all the steps. They can mark all steps complete and operational, or flag one step in the process as with Not Operational, or Warning. Learn more about Asset Checks and completing Asset Checks.

Compliance Reporting

Once your Assets have been through a few rounds of checks you are able to view each and every check and it’s history, see who was responsible at that time and any notes they made about that particular point in time.

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