Cut down time to critical care, and make your guests day brighter.
The Medic52 Help! system allows a guest to use their own existing technology in their pocket to call for assistance. Pressing the Help button sends their GPS location directly into the Dispatch system where their call can be managed.
Help! can be integrated into your existing smartphone application, be used through one of our public application partners, or guests can use the Medic52 application.
Customise the alert to provide other key information such as phone number, name and key medical information. A user could also report an incident not related to themselves.
This drastically cuts down the confusion on locating a disoriented, stressed and unhappy injured person, getting care to them quickly in their moment of need.
- Reduces down time to get to the customer
- Reassure the guest quickly that help is coming
- Happier customer with quicker care
- Customer initiated help call
- Direct from their own smartphone
- Exact location provided
- Integrated directly to Dispatch
Easy to budget, simple pricing from $2.00/user
*Includes set up, support and continuous updates
- Reduce response times
- Reassure the guest quickly that help is coming
- Happier customer with faster critical care
- Exceptional customer service
- Customer initiated help call
- Direct from their own smartphone
- Exact location provided
- Customized additional information
- Alert other incidents
- Build into your own resort applications
- Available for free in the App Store / Google Play
- Integrated directly to Dispatch

Your guest can use the technology they already carry with them to get help
Let’s have a chat
Happy & Safe Customers come back for more
David was skiing overseas with his girlfriend Caroline in a new resort, the snow was falling, they were having a great time until disaster struck. She fell over hurting her leg badly and couldn’t get up to continue skiing.
Caroline is reassured by her boyfriend that all would be ok as he waited for a passer by on this quiet mid-week day, with snow falling peacefully around them. There were very few people out and time passed with no one coming by to offer assistance. He knew they were not far from the top of the lift but it was too far to walk back up.
He didn’t want to leave Caroline to get help, so pulled out his phone to find a phone number to call. Spending some time on the resort website he finally found a number for assistance, and started to explain the situation and his position on the mountain. The person told them help was on the way.
10 minutes pass and David becomes worried, Caroline is getting cold and scared. He phones the number again to ask for an update and they tell him they couldn’t find the pair. He explains again and gives them his coordinates from an app he has on his phone. The person explains that he has come through to the patrol in the neighbouring hill, and gives him another phone number. The process repeats and after 40 minutes someone finally arrives by their side to help.
It’s an extreme example but one that has happened. David and Caroline are thankful that it was not a life threatening injury. They are unlikely to return.
Medic52 provides you and your guests with the tools to get the right response faster and provide a better experience, every time.