
How to reset your password

How to reset your password on Medic52. First, try and check your login email is valid. Then you will be...

What user levels are there?

Medic52 has two types of user access rights. You have a user level defining your essential rights across the system....

Security of your mobile device

As medical providers we handle a lot of personal and sensitive data through the patient cycle of care. It is...

Is patient data secure?

All sensitive patient data in Medic52 is encrypted at every possible opportunity. In short, we take every precaution to protect the...

Photos & Audio

For the security and ease of management of files, photos and audio files for Witness statements should be taken within...

Where is the data stored?

Data is currently stored in the location closest to you. We have servers located in Oregon, United States and Sydney, Australia....

Can we use a shared login for dispatch?

To save user’s time can we have one login, shared between multiple people? You could do this, and we understand...

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