Edit or Delete a Module

Modules are associated to Units and are a subcategory or subtype level of Training. This means you need to have created at least one Unit before you continue here.

From “Configuration” menu select “Training Passport.

View Module

Click the “View” button to open a Module associated to the Unit.

Edit the Module

Click the “Edit” button to modify an existing task or the “Delete” button to remove.

Populate the appropriate values if you chose edit and click save.

    • Unit: pre-populated
    • Assessment Name: pre-populated with the hierarchy based on the selection
    • Validity Period: Duration of time the certification is Valid. Choose by Days, Months or Years
    • Assessors: Use this area to fix a list of the assessors that are qualified to assess this module. This will grant them access to conduct an assessment for this module. Note you will need to name at least one Assessor for every Module.
    • Allow any one who has passed the Assessment to be an assessor: Flick this to ‘on’ if you wish to give assessor rights to anyone who is Competent in this module. This will automatically add people to your assessor list, and help spread the assessment load.



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