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  4. Logging calls that are courtesy rides, not found or no assistance required?

Logging calls that are courtesy rides, not found or no assistance required?

Logging al your calls is necessary for reporting to show workload over a period of time, but also in case a call develops in the future.

At the time of the call of course, you also don’t know what it is or may turn out to be.

So what happens if its a call where one of the following happens?

  1. No assistance is required (also known as a contact, NFA)
  2. Incident not found (also known as a dry run, no show)
  3. Courtesy transport (also known as taxi rides)

These are considered as outcomes of the incident. Therefore you can generally find them in the ‘Referred To’ picker in your Incident. The placement of this with your configuration may be different, but in the default set up this is under the Transport tab.

We often then add an option for Courtesy Transport. This is a Yes / No flag that indicates if this case was not medical, but transport was still required. This is helpful in reporting to find not only the type of transport used (and there may be multiple) but also all courtesy calls.

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