Here’s today’s release for on the web.

We’d love to hear what you would like to see in Medic52, so please reach out with your suggestions!


  • Additions to user details screen including summary of incidents assigned, training passport
  • Ability to categorise user documents
  • Ability to add user documents in user profile screen
  • Patroller reporting now shows all possible Patroller roles in an incident


  • Significant update to core code
  • Security updates inline with libraries and server hardware
  • Incident forms signature pad handling and UI fix
  • Auto set date and time in Vitals repeater
  • Don’t display Trails / Lifts drop downs when there are none in a given Area
  • Improved handling of data update of Trails / Lifts / Controlled substances to incident


  • Error notifications in tabs for mandatory fields in Edit Incident
  • Some mandatory fields not displaying in red