It’s a great day for iOS users today, our iPhone app has grown up to an iPad.

Today you can update the application to work on an iPad.

Here is what’s so special about this release:

  • NEW portrait and landscape view for whatever view you prefer
  • NEW Quick user switching allowing patrollers to share a device (e.g. in a medical centre/patrol room) and simply hit their name to get their incidents.
  • NEW iPad optimised single view incident edit layout to make it faster to get where you want to be
  • NEW in-line switching between metric & imperial for Height, Weight, Distance, Temperature and more

Note that we do recommend you put the iPad in a secure place, and turn on find your iPad with Apple, and finally put a pin number on it to lock the screen. There is sensitive data in there and you don’t want it going missing.

Here are a couple of screenshots:

Medic52 iPad Case edit

Incident Editing on the iPad

Medic52 iPad User Switcher

Quick user switcher on the iPad for using shared device in a secure location

Get it now or upgrade over at iTunes.