If you missed this over the winter, then you better read on. Does your car not start some cold wintery days? Have you found a dead battery, or just a frozen battery to be the issue? Perhaps not in the Snowy Mountains of Australia, but in Canada – well that’s a different matter.

Bosses at Canadian Tire, Ontario, wet to some chilling lengths to show how well their batteries work in the cold.

So they set about creating the coolest truck ever. Long since melted, the 11.000 truck was ice sculpted on to the cab and body from a 2005 GMC Silverado with a custom steel frame to keep the extra weight.

Ice sculptors were then drafted in to chisel out the frozen vehicle around the frame of a regular chassis.

The finale was a drive around town for a mile at around 17kph (12mph), with the aim of entering into the Guinness Book of World Records for being the first self-propelled ice creation.

All to prove that their battery would work in the cold. Now that’s commitment.

Read more about The Ice Truck