Learn from the Australian experience dealing with COVID-19 in the ski patrol context. In this guide I talk about the changes we had to make, how we did it, and many aspects that we didn’t think about well into the season.
There’s 30 pages in this guide with 44 specific actionable points for you to think about, address and implement.
There are three checklists and some formulas to help you calculate order quantities for essential medical equipment, and some scenarios to help you in training with your team.
I’ve given you links to many more helpful resources from international organizations. We’ll cover off your obligations and responsibilities, how to prepare and train your crew, first responder protocols, crew well being, testing and isolation procedures, daily cleaning and disinfecting and of course record keeping.
This guide will help your organization plan, prepare and implement protocols for your ski patrol and the wider company. Download the most comprehensive guide to planning and preparing for COVID-19 in your ski patrol today.
Get your copy of ‘Dealing with COVID-19 in the Ski Patrol Context’ Instant free download now

Disclaimer: This ebook is a guide only, and does not constitute procedure or policy. Each situation and company/individual is different and you are responsible for operating within your local, state, territory or federal laws.